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Infanta Malaria Prevention Foundation together with the the District Chief Executive and the Ghana Health Service joined the Chiefs, Queens and people of Avatime to commission the Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) Compound at Avatime Biakpa as well as to celebrate the 2022 Amu Festival with the people of Avatime.

The newly constructed facility which is fully furnished has Maternity ward, lying in ward, consulting room, pharmacy, Out Patient Department, Store, reproductive child unit and two nurses’ quarters.

The Director of Infanta Malaria Prevention Foundation, Mrs. Ruth Nylander in an address read on behalf of Her Execellency the First Lady, Mrs Rebecca Akuffo Addo congratulated the people of Avatime for celebrating an important milestone.

She said the Foundation chaired by the First Lady, focuses on supporting communities to improve health care especially that of women and children.  She stated that the CHPS Compound remains a significant concept of promoting Health care delivery as well as bringing health care to the door steps of Ghanaians.

Mrs  Nylander called on management of the facility as well as the community  to develop good maintenance culture on the facility. She also took the opportunity to appreciate all who have helped in diverse ways to make the building of the CHPS Compound a success.

The Paramount Chief of Avatime Traditional Area, Osie Adza Tekpor thanked the First Lady for building and equipping the CHPS Compound. He appealed to staff of the  various facilities in Avatime to work assideouly whiles expecting the citizens to protect, patronise and maintain the facilities.

Osie Adza Tekpor noted that the celebration of the Amu Festival is aimed at mobilizing citizens to foster unity and initiate social and development activities in Avatime.

He indicated that plans are underway to upscale and secure an investor for the production, processing, storage and marketing of the Avatime Mountain Brown Rice.

This year’s event was on the theme “Re-engaging for Unity and Development in Avatime, through Mountain Brown-Rice Culture and, Ecotourism.

The Paramount Chief called for peace and unity in Avatime. He assured of his continuous support to work for unity and peace in Avatime. He also took the opportunity to outline some tourism potentials in the Avatime enclaves and urged investors to take advantage.

Hon. Ernest Victor Apau, the District Chief Executive of Ho West in his address extended government felicitations to the people of Avatime.

He disclosed that Ho West District Assembly is the first in Volta Region and 49th amongst 261MMDAs in the Districts League Table (DLT). He indicated that as part of DCEs initiative of saving the water bodies, Mahogany and Afram trees were planted along water bodies in Ho West.

Hon. Apau noted that through public private partnership the Amedzofe canopy walk is completed and will be commissioned for use on 18th November, 2022. He added that the Canopy walk which is first in Volta Region will boost tourism, create income and affect our fortunes.

The DCE stated plans are underway for the construction of police station at Fume. He said the Assembly is also working to open the Kpedze to Amedzofe road.

Hon Apau hinted on the “DCE Youth Hour” where he will visit the traditional areas and educate the youth on new ways of creating income for prosperity and to secure the future of our generation. He said the security of the country will be at stake if the youth are not employed in sustainable income generation activities.

The DCE further stated that Avatime community has received development attention within available resources under the NPP government and hope to do more in same spirit of patriotism without discrimination.

The celebration was by graced members of the Infanta Malaria Prevention Foundation, the Member of Parliament, Hon. Emmanuel Kwasi Bedzrah, the Presiding Member of Ho West, Hon Rita Semanu Eglegbe, Executives of the New Patriotic Party, and Executives of Koko Plus Ghana.

 Source: ISD, Ho West District


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